Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to Measure Success!

How do you measuresuccess?

Here is how successful people achieve their goals by +Brian Tracy: 

Ken and I talked about this one and came up with a few points to
consider.   One step at a time.  Climbing the mountain to reach the summit.  

This picture of Ken's daughter Kelly on the way up the mountain is an illustration of the one step at a time success.  

I thought of swimming across the lake one arm stroke an kick at a time or paddling a kayak toward a goal.

Success is looking forward and not looking back.  It is not being afraid to make mistakes but learning as you go every day. 

Dale Carnegie said, "Develop success from failures.  Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success."  Too many people give up after their first setback. 

How do you measure success?  

Watch the Video!
 Shaklee Videos: Shaklee 180

Shaklee Videos: Shaklee 180 Measuring Success

Click on the link above and watch the video.  If you see anything that interest you let us know.

Follow this blog, and make a comment.  

To your health and wellness,



  1. I think that many people have their own measurements on how they see success, I know I do, but I think we can agree that success means going on a forward motion. The reality is that at times we get bumps in the road and we wonder if we will ever succeed on anything, but that is life and those bumps can also give use lessons about succeeding in life.

    Your words of "Success is looking forward and not looking back. It is not being afraid to make mistakes but learning as you go every day." is right on and very well said!

    A very good post and I really liked your!

  2. Thank you Diane I just edited this blog and added a video right at the top by Brian Tracy. "How successful people achieve their goals." It seems that all of the successful people are saying what you are saying! That says a lot! LOL
